The E-Gallery bio picture
  • Welcome to eGallery web blog…

    a gallery by Edmund Tham (one of the World's Top 9 WPJA Wedding Photographers in 2008). This gallery is an extension of our office and functions as a place to showcase our masterpieces. Beside that, this gallery also doubles up as a creative place for friends / photographers to gather and share their thoughts together.

    Edmund is a graphic design graduate with years of experience in the advertising and events management industry whose love for photography began during his teenage years while working as an assistant at a photography studio. This love affair blossomed over the years and breathed life to eGallery. Edmund believes that great photography goes beyond skilled hands and technical know-how. Most importantly, it requires an expressive mind, a keen eye and a kindred heart to grasp the finer details, thus revealing emotions that speak volumes. My vision is simple: to boost the level of Malaysian wedding photography making it on par with international standards.

    For further enquiries, please contact Edmund Tham at +6012 3166 995 or email us at

Mark & Angie, Penang Destination Wedding

Wedding Location : Lone Pine

Wedding Portrait Location : Peranakan Mansion & E & O Hotel

Wedding Gown : Pretty in White

Photography & Video : Edmund Tham& team

Gorgeous KL Skyline

A lot peoples (included myself) really don’t know that our KL skyline is such beautiful while you standing somewhere high, this shot i capture at Pavilion Service Residence 37 floors while i’m shooting a interior project there. Beautiful scene, really wish that the condo is belong to me.

Angeline & Cheng Leong (SDE)

This is the last wedding for the year of rabbit, finally finish work (Sau Kong) for Chinese New Year… We are really enjoy working with Angeline & Cheng Leong, they and their friends are very friendly and i met some of the old friends and oversea friends there. I found out the world are really small, actually we all knowing each others… Here is the Same Day Edit for Angeline & Cheng Leong, quite a rush job. I only have 4 hours break for the slideshow, need to edit videos, photos and the voice over with few different softwares. But i quite satisfy with the result, hope you guys like it…

Photography & Video Clips by Edmund Tham, assisted by Kavana Tan

Favorite Shot of the day…

I’m working on the album touch up, i saw this shot and i love it so much. The couple exchanging their vows on stage, the monitor light flare it’s created the romantic feeling and it’s made the photo outstanding.

David & Wendy Church Wedding (SDE)

Everyone is in the holiday mood and planning for the party on new year eve. Unfortunately, we don’t have holiday and no celebration for the new year eve. We are covering David & Wendy Wedding, the last wedding of the year 2011. We are please to celebrate with the lovely couple and all their together for 2012 in Passion Road. I’m happy to met Jenny Sun in the wedding, she’s David & Wendy best friend. We had been long time didn’t meet each other after she left Signature photographers. Too bad that i don’t have much time to chat with her in the wedding, will call her up for drink before she leave the country. Jenny is not only good in photography, actually she very good in singing too. She sang all the church songs and she had a solo part in the church. Everyone are so impressed with her voice. Too bad i didn’t film down the video to proof it to all of you… I hope you guys enjoy the slideshow, Happy 2012…

Photography by Edmund Tham assisted by Wai Khing

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