The E-Gallery bio picture
  • Welcome to eGallery web blog…

    a gallery by Edmund Tham (one of the World's Top 9 WPJA Wedding Photographers in 2008). This gallery is an extension of our office and functions as a place to showcase our masterpieces. Beside that, this gallery also doubles up as a creative place for friends / photographers to gather and share their thoughts together.

    Edmund is a graphic design graduate with years of experience in the advertising and events management industry whose love for photography began during his teenage years while working as an assistant at a photography studio. This love affair blossomed over the years and breathed life to eGallery. Edmund believes that great photography goes beyond skilled hands and technical know-how. Most importantly, it requires an expressive mind, a keen eye and a kindred heart to grasp the finer details, thus revealing emotions that speak volumes. My vision is simple: to boost the level of Malaysian wedding photography making it on par with international standards.

    For further enquiries, please contact Edmund Tham at +6012 3166 995 or email us at

Si Yong & Teresa Wedding (SDE), Singapore

Photography by Edmund Tham and assisted by Wai Khing

Great News Again 2012…

eGallery is giving out Special Gifts for those couple want to have their wedding portrait session  (from now until end of May 2012). You will entitled to get a special Gifts worth RM 600. The package is only for local (Klang Valley) package. So think of your Portrait concept and locations today and share with us…

For further information, please email us at

Sarah & Karsten Wedding, Perth

Wedding Ceremony & Reception at Sandalford Winery, Perth

Photography by Edmund Tham

Makeup & Hair by Jason (local)

Favorite Shot of the day…

This photo taken at the city of lights, Perth during Oct 2011. i’m shooting this in front of the window display and using silhouette style. It’s created a very romantic feeling for it.

Portraits at United Kingdom…

Wedding Couple : Bryan & Jade

Story Behind : They both met in UK during their A Level in Concorde College, Shrewsburry.

They want to capture the memories they both created there.

Photography by Edmund Tham

Make up & Hair by Bonnie Yew

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